For a higher education institution like Royal Dental College, the use of e-Governance facilitates the smooth functioning and storage of various institutional data. The workflow of different sections or departments is automated to enable efficient governance in the institute in order to serve all the stakeholders.
E-Governance is implemented but not limited to the fields related to administration, examination, finance, campus facility management, hospital management extending to various aspects of data related to students, faculty and patients. Various software along with e-governance interfaces of KUHS have been implemented for different purposes thus ensuring the entire system is user-friendly and time efficient.
· E -Governance is used to automate, transfer and analyze the data or information of college administration for all purposes of admissions, workflow, timetable, Internal Assessment, examinations, attendance, results etc.
· It is adopted for all the management aspects like Student management, Campus Facility management, Employees management and Administration management.
· Attendance of staffs and students is digitized using biometric instruments installed at strategic points within the Institution.
· The manual tasks like record keeping, inventory, stock checking and filing is also digitalized. The voluminous data is handled efficiently and smoothly under e-governance with reduced use of paper in office.
· Finance department use e-governance while handling pay rolls, salaries, investments, balance of payments, fee collection etc., particularly aligned with the Government policy of digital payments within the institution for better accountability and transparency.
· The college library has expanded its services and resources most significantly for all the users with automation and digitization using the ILMS (Integrated Library Management System) for entry-exit log, search, borrow and return books.
· The entire campus is under CCTV surveillance ensuring safety and security at all times.
· In order to promote the use of ICT for the purpose of e-governance the administrative staff are trained and their capacity-building is updated at regular intervals to use the products and services to its maximum efficiency.
E-governance contributes significantly as one of the measures of good governance of the Institution by offering an effective, efficient, accountable and transparent administrative system in the college.