Royal Dental College



                                                          BASIC POLICY OF EXAMINATION BOARD
  1. This examination board/committee will be in effect for the year June 2022- May 2024
  2. If any conflicts of interest arises from the members decision, the same can be discussed in the core committee for final approval.
  3. Notices regarding the examination related matters will be released by head of institution, examination director and coordinator of the particular year.
  4. Examination related notices must not be issued without the final approval from the examination chairman.
  5. All meetings of the examination board will be having an invitee from the disciplinary and curriculum committee for coordinating the issues related to students academics.
  6. Examination board meeting agenda will be prepared by the examination board chairman.
  7. There should be a minimum of four meetings of examination board one after every internal examination and the last one before assessing eligibility of sending the details of student to the university for final examination.
  8. After the 2nd internal Examinations, parents of failed/badly performing students are to be called for a meeting with the examination board.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MEMBERS OF EXAMINATION BOARD

Chairman                     :           Dr. Shajahan P A

Vice Chairman             :           Dr. Rishi Emmatty

Secretary                      :           Dr. Meera K Pynadath


Mr. Kallayil Saidu Haju


Dr. Shajahan P A


Dr. E Anuradha Sunil


Dr. Shaju George

Vice President

Dr. Anzil Ali K S

Exe Coordinator (IQAC Director)

Dr. Ajmal Mohamed


Chief Coordinators/ Assistant Coordinators


Chief  Coordinator

Assistant Coordinator

1st Year BDS

Dr. Biniraj K R

Dr. Binitha P P

2nd Year BDS

Dr. Biju P Babu

Dr. Maneesh Ahamed

3rd Year BDS

Dr. Ajmal Mohamed

Dr. Nimisha T

Final Year BDS Part I

Dr. Rishi Emmatty

Dr. Rajani E R

Final Year BDS Part II

Dr. Anil V Koruthu

Dr. Amrutha Joy

Chief Executive Advisor                     

Dr. Mohammed Sagir V M


Mentorship Coordinators

Dr. Meera K Pynadath                         

Dr. Rosaline Geetha          


Advisory Board                                                                      Executive Members     

Dr. Biswas P P                                                                          Dr. Tony P Paul                                   

Dr. Rohit Raghavan                                                                 Dr. Kennet J Chirayath

Dr Anjana G                                                                             Dr. R Sivanandan

Dr. Anzil K S Ali                                                                       Dr. Hariprasad A

Dr. Sheshagiri M                                                                                                         

Dr. Gopinath P


Office Assistant for Exams:

Ms. Suhara A A

Ms. Suhara E M