Royal Dental College



                                                                          PROGRAMME OUTCOMES – BDS

The student after the completion of higher secondary education joins the dental under graduate curriculum with basic knowledge are subjected to dental curriculum in a stepwise approach starting from introductory phase with basic preclinical dental and medical training to face the challenge in a phasic manner.

It transforms the knowledge component gained in the introductory phase into cognitive and psychomotor skills and achieving excellence in clinical skill.

The curriculum is structured to converge the program outcome to coincide with the course outcome measured with key performance indicators to assess the competency of practical skills and theory component using essay and short notes with execution of item analysis after the completion of examination

PO1: To know the normal disposition of structures in the body, during clinical examination and to identify, describe and apply the anatomical structures and relation to the nerve and muscle component related to head and neck of human body

PO2: To know the normal physiological functioning of human organ systems and the physiological principles.

PO3: To identify, describe the various biochemical pathway/ cycles and the biochemical basis relevant to the human system.

PO4: To know the normal development, morphology, structure and functions of oral tissues.

PO5: To identify, describe the pathological changes macroscopically and microscopically and apply the etiopathology of various diseases affecting the general systems of human body

PO6: To identify, describe and apply the causes of microbial pathogens affecting the general and stamatognathic system.

PO7: To identify, describe and apply the selection/ prescription of pharmaceutical drugs related to general systems of human body

PO8: Knowledge about properties, composition and uses of various dental materials

PO9: To diagnose, interpret and correlate the diseases and do the general physical examination.

PO10: To diagnose, interpret and correlate the basic medical and surgical aspects of surgical procedures.

PO11: To diagnose, interpret, analyze the pathology affecting the oral cavity and to differentiate it from other closely related diseases.

PO12: To communicate the needs of community efficiently, select and perform different indices to assess the progress of diseases and promote awareness from the preventive aspects of diseases in the society.

PO13: To diagnose the causes of diseases affecting the periodontal structure and maintenance of health of supporting structures surrounding the natural dentition.

PO14: To diagnose the common disorders of orofacial region with lab investigation, clinical examination and radiographic techniques.

PO15: To diagnose, analyse and treat common orthodontic problems by preventive, interceptive and corrective orthodontic procedures.

PO16: To diagnose and manage through the surgical aspects of oral diseases, tumors and traumatic injuries of the intra and extra oral structure with appropriate suturing techniques.

PO17: To diagnose and treat simple restorative procedures, knowledge about aesthetic restorative material and know about endodontic procedures.

PO18: To plan the treatment for replacement of missing tooth structure using different strategies and protocols

PO19: To know the principles of cavity preparation in primary and permanent teeth, various preventive and therapeutic management of caries.


The above program outcome measures for the undergraduate curriculum should be achieved using the course outcome framed by the course directors with the guidance and monitoring of the dental education department.



                                                                                COURSE OUTCOMES – BDS



At the end of the first year BDS course in Anatomical Sciences the undergraduate student is expected to know the normal disposition of the structures in the body while clinically examining a patient and while conducting clinical procedures. Know the anatomical basis of disease and injury. Know the microscopic structure of the various tissues, a pre-requisite for understanding of the disease processes.  Know the nervous system to locate the site of lesions according to the sensory and or motor deficits encountered. Have an idea about the basis of abnormal development, critical stages of development, effects of teratogens, genetic mutations and environmental hazards. Know the sectional anatomy of head neck and brain to read the features in radiographs and pictures taken by modern imaging techniques.  Know the anatomy of cardio-pulmonary resuscitationGENERAL HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY

At the end of the course, the student will be able to explain the normal functioning of all the organ systems and their interactions for well co-ordinated total body function.  Assess the relative contribution of each organ system towards the maintenance of the milieu interior.

 List the physiological principles underlying the pathogenesis and treatment of disease.



The major aim is to provide a sound but crisp knowledge on the biochemical basis of the life processes relevant to the human system and to dental/medical practice. The chemistry portion should strive towards providing information on the functional groups, hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties and weak valence forces that organise macromolecules. Details on structure need not be emphasised. 



The student is expected to appreciate the normal development, morphology, structure & functions of oral tissues & variations in different pathological/non-pathological states. The student should understand the histological basis of various dental treatment procedures and physiologic ageing process in the dental tissues.  The students must know the basic knowledge of various research methodologies



Enabling the student to demonstrate and analyze pathological changes macroscopically explain their observations in terms of disease processes. To integrate knowledge from the basic sciences, clinical medicine and dentistry in the study of Pathology.  To demonstrate understanding of the capabilities and limitations of morphological Pathology in its contribution to medicine, dentistry and biological research. To demonstrate ability to consult resource materials outside lectures, laboratory and tutorial classes.



At the end of the Microbiology course the student is expected to understand the basics of various branches of microbiology and able to apply the knowledge relevantly.  Apply the knowledge gained in related medical subjects like General Medicine and General Surgery and Dental subjects like Oral Pathology, Public Health Dentistry, Periodontics, Oral Surgery, Pedodontics, Conservative Dentistry and Oral medicine in higher classes. Understand and practice various methods of sterilization and disinfection in dental clinics. Have a sound understanding of various infectious diseases and lesions in the oral cavity.



To understand the evolution and development of science of dental materials. Impart knowledge of physical and chemical properties and advantages and disadvantages of various materials used in dentistry. Acquire knowledge of biomechanical requirements of particular restorative material and its application & limitations.  Laying down standards or specifications of various materials to guide to manufacturers as well as to help professionals. Search for newer and better materials which may answer our requirements with greater satisfaction. To understand and evaluate the claims made by manufactures of dental materials.

At the end of the course the student should have the knowledge about the composition, properties, manipulative techniques and their various commercial names. The student should also acquire skills to select and use the materials appropriately for laboratory and clinical use.



The ability to describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential and commonly used drugs in general and in dentistry in particular. List the indications, contraindications; interactions, and adverse reactions of commonly used drugs with reason. Tailor the use of appropriate drugs in disease with consideration to its cost, efficacy, safety for individual and mass therapy needs, Indicate special care in prescribing common and essential drugs in special medical situations such as pregnancy, lactation, old age, renal, hepatic damage and immuno compromised patients. Integrate the rational drug therapy in clinical pharmacology. Indicate the principles underlying the concepts of “Essential drugs”.



Special emphasis should be given throughout on the importance of various diseases as applicable to dentistry. Special precautions/ contraindication for anaesthesia in oral and dental procedures in different systemic diseases. . Oral manifestations of systemic diseases. Medical emergencies in dental practice. A student should be taught in such a manner that he/she is able to record the arterial pulse, blood pressure and be capable of suspecting by sight and superficial examination of the body, diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, blood etc. He should be capable of handling medical emergencies encountered in dental practice.



Skills to be developed by the end of teaching are to examine a routine swelling, ulcer and other related diseases and to perform minor surgical procedures such as draining an abscess, taking a biopsy etc.



Comprehend the different types of pathological processes that involve the Orofacial tissues.

Comprehend the manifestations of common diseases, their diagnosis & correlation with clinical pathological processes. Understand the oral manifestations of systemic diseases and correlate with the systemic physical signs & laboratory findings. Understand the underlying biological principles governing treatment of oral diseases.  Understand the principles of certain basic aspects of Forensic Odontology.



At the conclusion of the course the student shall have a knowledge of the basis of public health, preventive dentistry, public health problems in India, Nutrition, Environment and their role in health, basics of dental statistics, epidemiological methods, National oral health policy with emphasis on oral health policy.



The student shall acquire the skill to perform dental scaling diagnostic tests of periodontal diseases.  To use the instruments for periodontal therapy and maintenance of the same.



To train the students to diagnose the common disorders of Orofacial region by clinical examination and with the help of such investigations as may be required and medical management of oro-facial disorders with drugs and physical agents. To train the students about the importance, role, use and techniques of radiographs and other imaging methods in diagnosis. The principles of the clinical and radiographic aspects of Forensic Odontology.



The undergraduate study of orthodontics spans over second year, third year and fourth year. In second year the emphasis is given for basic and preclinical wire bending exercises and appliance fabrication. In third year the student has to undergo clinical postings where patient care and appliance management is emphasized. In fourth year of study the candidate will be allotted with long cases for detailed discussion treatment plan formulation appliance construction, insertion and management. In addition they will be trained to attend routine out patients, appliance activation, cephalometric interpretation etc.



Able to apply the knowledge gained in the preclinical subjects and related medical subjects like general surgery and general medicine in the management of patients with oral surgical problem. Able to diagnose, manage and treat (understand the principles of treatment of) patients with oral surgical problems. Knowledge of range of surgical treatments. Ability to decide the requirement of a patient to have oral surgical specialist opinion or treatment. Understand the principles of in-patient management.  Understand the principles of emergency management of maxillofacial injuries, BLS measures and the medico legal responsibilities and formalities. Understanding of the management of major oral surgical procedures and principles involved in patient management.


Be able to decide the need for medical/ surgical consultations and the method of doing so. Should know ethical issues and have communication ability. Should know the common systemic and local diseases, drugs used and drug interactions



The candidate should have essential knowledge in ethics, laws and jurisprudence and

forensic odontology in Prosthodontics.The candidate must be able to identify cases beyond the limits of his/her speciality and  refer them to appropriate specialists. The candidate should have essential knowledge of personal hygiene, infection control, prevention of cross infection and safe disposal of biomedical waste.

The candidate should be able to examine the patients requiring Prosthodontic therapy,

investigate the patient systemically, analyze the investigation results, radiographic

findings, diagnose the ailment, plan a treatment, communicate it with the patient and

execute it.Understand the prevalence and prevention of diseases of cranio-mandibular system

related to Prosthodontics. The candidate should be able to restore the lost functions of the stomatognathic system namely speech, mastication etc to provide a quality health care for craniofacial region. The candidate should be able to interact with other specialists including a medical specialists for the management of cases requiring multi disciplinary approach including

medical specialist for the management of patients. They should be able to exhibit the clinical competence necessary to carry out the most appropriate treatment available in the speciality.

The candidate must develop the ultimate dexterity and artistic skill for carrying out various Prosthodontic procedures with precision.




The candidate should have essential knowledge in ethics and relevant knowledge in basic sciences relevant to the practice of Periodontics. The etiology, patho-physiology, diagnosis and treatment planning of various common Periodontal problems.Interaction of social, genetic and environmental factors and their relevance to treatment planning and management of Periodontal problems.


 Recognize conditions that may be other than the area of periodontal specialty/ competence to refer them to the appropriate specialist. Factors affecting the long-term maintenance of periodontal health. Update the knowledge by self studying and by attending courses, conferences, seminars relevant to the specialty. Carry out research both basic and clinical, publish and present the work at various scientific gatherings. Personal hygiene and infection control, prevention of cross infection and safe disposal of hospital waste, keeping in view the high prevalence of Hepatitis and HIV and other highly contagious diseases.



Knowledge based objectives are met by a variety of teaching methods, including

seminars, lectures, essays, a research project, computer assisted learning, practical classes

and a log diary. In addition students are encouraged to consolidate their clinical                            

knowledge by teaching undergraduates. Skills involving the treatment of patients and developed in the preclinical phantom head laboratories before starting work in the clinical departments. Patients are allocated to your care and you are expected to carry out the treatment under supervision and guidance. Attempt should be made to do maximum number of cases in an organized and scientific way so as to be well versed in all aspects of the specialty. Sufficient skill has to be developed in proper history taking and posting in the outpatient unit should be used to develop your clinical acumen. Preparation and presentation of seminars, research projects (dissertation) and log book will enhance your skills of documentation and presentation. Every opportunity to enhance your communication skills should be put to best use.






The dynamic interaction of biologic processes and mechanical forces acting on the

stomatognathic system during orthodontic treatment. The etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment planning of various common Orthodontic problems. Various treatment modalities in Orthodontics – preventive, interceptive and corrective.Basic sciences relevant to the practice of Orthodontics. Interaction of social, cultural, economic, genetic and environmental factors and their relevance to management of Oro-facial deformities. Factors affecting the long range stability of orthodontic correction and their management. Personal hygiene and infection control, prevention of cross infection and safe disposal waste, keeping in view the high prevalence of Hepatitis and HIV and other highly contagious diseases.




Should have a thorough knowledge of Dental Anatomy for tooth identification and

Histology of normal oral tissues. Etiology, pathogenesis, histopathological diagnosis and management of common pathological conditions affecting the Oral and maxillofacial region Familiarize with the biochemical, microbiologic, immunology and genetic aspects of

maxillofacial lesions. Describe various treatment modalities of oral disease from historical to the

currently available ones. Describe interrelationship between oral disease and various systemic conditions. Describe mucosal lesions due to iatrogenic causes and deleterious habits and

prevention of it.

Identify rarities in oro-facial diseases, syndromes and their genetic and molecular

biologic determinant in a given case. Recognize conditions that may be outside the area of his specialty / competence and refer them to an appropriate specialist. Update themselves by attending course, conference and seminars relevant to Oral and maxillofacial pathology.



Create not only a good oral health in the child but also a good citizen tomorrow. Instill a positive attitude and behavior in children. Understand the principles of prevention and preventive dentistry right from birth to Adolescence. Guide and counsel the parents in regards to various treatment modalities including different facets of preventive dentistry. Prevent and  intercept developing malocclusion.




  1. A. To facilitate reinforcement of learning and acquisition of additional knowledge:-
  2. Reinforcement of knowledge.
  3. Techniques & resources available to the individual and the community: Social and cultural setting.
  4. Training in a phased manner, from a shared to a full responsibility.


  1. B. To facilitate the achievement of basic skills: attaining competence vs. maintaining competence in:-
  2. History taking.
  3. Clinical Examination.
  4. Performance and interpretation of essential laboratory data.
  5. Data analysis and inference.
  6. Communication skills aimed at imparting hope and optimism in the patient.
  7. Attributes for developing working relationship in the Clinical setting and Community team work.


  1. C. To facilitate development of sound attitudes and habits:-
  2. Emphasis on individual and human beings, and not on disease/symptoms.
  3. Provision of comprehensive care, rather than fragmentary treatment
  4. Continuing Dental Education and Learning of accepting the responsibility,


  1. D. To facilitate understanding of professional and ethical principles including: –
  2. Rights and dignity of patients
  3. Consultation with other professionals and referral to seniors/institutions.
  4. Obligations to peers, colleagues, patients, families and Community.
  5. Provision of free professional services in an emergent situation.


  1. To initiate individual and group action, leading to disease prevention and oral and dental health promotion, at the level of individuals, families and the Community.
  2. To maintain day to day record, in the form of a performance log book, the quantum of work done and any other assignment allotted to each intern by the department.

HOD/Teaching staff supervising the intern shall duly certify the work done by awarding grades.

(Complete record of all cases treated department wise to be prepared and presented in the form of performance Log book and case files at the time of completion of internship programme.)





                                                                         PROGRAMME OUTCOMES – MDS



To guide the dental graduates so as to achieve higher competence in both general and special aspects of Prosthodontics and to develop teaching, research and clinical skills with special emphasis in prevention and follow up procedures including Crown and Bridge and Implantology



To take proper clinical history, methodical examination of the patient, perform essential

diagnostic procedures, and interpret them and arrive at a reasonable diagnosis about the

Periodontics. Acquire adequate skills and competence in performing various periodontal procedures.



Involving the treatment of patients and developed in the preclinical phantom head laboratories before starting work in the clinical departments .Patients are allocated to your care and you are expected to carry out the treatment under supervision and guidance. Attempt should be made to do maximum number of cases in an organized and scientific way so as to be well versed in all aspects of the specialty. Sufficient skill has to be developed in proper history taking and posting in the outpatient unit should be used to develop your clinical acumen. Preparation and presentation of seminars, research projects (dissertation) and log book will enhance your skills of documentation and presentation.



To obtain proper clinical history, methodical examination of the patient, perform essential diagnostic procedures, and interpret them and arrive at a reasonable diagnosis about the dentofacial deformities. To be competent to fabricate and manage the most appropriate appliance intra or extra oral, removable or fixed, mechanical or functional, and active or passive – for the treatment of any orthodontic problem to be treated singly or as a part of multidisciplinary treatment of orofacial deformities.



To acquire the necessary skill and expertise to independently diagnose and manage cases of clinical significance encompassing the broad area of oral and maxillofacial region. Hence he must have a sound knowledge of etiopathogenesis, clinical features, histopathology, treatment and prognosis of oral and Para oral pathologies.



Obtain proper clinical history, methodological examination of the child patient, perform essential diagnostic procedures and interpret them, and arrive at a reasonable diagnose and treat appropriately. Be competent to treat dental diseases which are occurring in child patient. Manage to repair and restore the lost / tooth structure to maintain harmony between both hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Manage the disabled children effectively and efficiently, tailored to the needs of individual requirement and conditions.


