Royal Dental College


International Student Cell

Royal dental college has an international student cell that aims to facilitate the needs of foreign students from various countries. Royal Dental College of Dentistry is open to welcoming students aspiring for world-class dental education which we believe is our forte. Evolving as a visionary in higher education, we have customized fee structures and all allied services for foreign students.

Our goal is to open opportunities for learning and education to students from all walks of life, caste, and creed beyond the boundaries of our Country. During this journey, we would like to ensure respect for each culture and traditions, and amalgamate them with our country’s rich and varied heritage.

Support services to be facilitated by the international student cell:

• Conducting orientation programs to familiarize the enrolled students regarding the programs offered, fee structure, eligibility criteria, legalities, and policies of the Institute

• Monitoring the academic performances of the students by coordinating with mentors and communicating with guardians/parents regarding the progress of the student at the end of sessional examinations or once every six months.

• Putting on orientation sessions and other events to promote social and cultural adaptations

• Provide counselling on NRI admission

• Guide students to attain international scholarships

• Counseling on social issues and special tutorials to facilitate understanding of local languages

• Facilitating the exchange of knowledge and fostering learning of students in a global setup

• Help to create a platform of global exposure for a budding dentists and inspirit their global competencies to embrace the challenges in the field of dentistry

• Making communication bridge between mentors with decades of experience in the overseas education industry and current batches of students striving for foreign education

• To focus on the all-round development of the student by involving them in cultural activities, sports, fine arts, entrepreneurship, etc. which would promote them to contemplate beyond academics.

• To help them attain access to nearby banks to open accounts, to reach the nearest airport or railway station, road rules, etc

• Arrangements for reception, transportation, and induction schedules

• To provide an outline about qualifying exams in different countries, getting a work permit, and information regarding salary packages.

An online Royal International Student Conference was conducted on 30th august 2022 exclusively for Royal Dental College faculties, Alumnus, and students which were designed in 4 modules. Module 1 was about dental and non-dental studies a module 2 was about dental jobs and opportunities, and module 3 was about jobs and licenses abroad, and module 4 on specialists’ jobs and messages.

The international cell also works to help students studying in various countries with logistic and academic documentation. The alumnus working in various countries make frequent visits and guide as well as resolve queries. They also hold sessions to keep the students keep informed about different overseas employment opportunities and also provide counseling if and when required.