Royal Dental College


Midcourse Improvement policy


Our institution has a well-defined policy on Midcourse improvement of students, which is devoted to providing opportunities to students who might have lagged behind, to catch up and meet their expected learning outcomes. This is achieved through timely administration of continuous internal examinations. According to the university guidelines, the institution conducts three internal exams for both theory and practicals and assess the performance of every individual student. Based on these assessments, various remedial measures are planned for students whose performance is below average after the first two internal assessment exams. The Principal and Examination Board discusses the issues with the concerned department HODs/staff in charge and mentors. Remedial measures are discussed and revision classes are conducted to improve their performance by the concerned departments. Continuous evaluation is done by the conduct of re-tests and revision tests. The outcome of their performance is followed up by the respective mentors through mentorship program.


  • Evaluation of answer sheets will be performed by concerned faculty in each department.
  • It is made sure that the same question will be evaluated by the same staff member for all students, to avoid any bias.
  • Results of evaluations will be published within 10 days of the exam.
  • Concerned faculty in-charge will discuss the answers with students and provide constructive feedback to improve their performance.



Formative Evaluation for students: Institution conducts three internal assessment exams for theory and practical for each batch of students. Tentative dates of all internal exams in an

academic year are published in the academic calendar at the start of each academic year. The Examination Board will publish an Examination Planner based on the academic calendar, which will be distributed to all faculty and students, so that they can be prepared in advance. A reminder notice will be sent to all departments and notice boards at least 2 weeks before each exam.

Summative Evaluation of students: University schedules and conducts two exams per academic year. The rules and regulations of conduct, valuation and grievance redressal is stated clearly in the university website, about which the students will be made aware of, at the time of student’s orientation programme conducted by the college, at the time of their admission.



The institution has a well-defined policy regarding its approach towards identifying slow performers and taking adequate remedial measures. The various steps involved in the process are: –

  1. Identification of slow performers based on various measurable parameters.
  2. Analysis of the root causes responsible for the underperformance by these students.
  • Planning and execution of appropriate remedial measures for each student.
  1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the remedial measures by analysing the results.

Measurable Criterion

The formative assessment of students is done by the way of the periodic internal assessment system. Internal theory exams are conducted for 70 marks for each subject. Student’s practical/clinical skills are assessed by conducting practical/ clinical internal exams, which is accompanied by a viva-voce. A minimum of 3 internal assessment exams are conducted each year. 80% attendance, separately for theory and practical classes, is mandatory for appearing in the University exam. Each internal exam result is discussed by the exam committee, headed by the Principal.

The various measurable parameters used to identify slow performers include:

  1. Students scoring less than 50% marks in Internal theory exams
  2. Students scoring less than 50% marks in viva-voce
  • Students scoring less than 50% in practical/clinical assessments
  1. Students having attendance percentage less than 80%


Special Programs for Slow Performers

This institution has got a strong mentoring system and maintains a 1:10 mentor-mentee ratio. The faculty members communicate with each student and identify their issues, both academic and non-academic. The root causes for their slow performance are identified. It can be academic and/or non-academic. PTA meetings are conducted periodically to inform the parents about their ward’s performance.

Remedial Measures taken for Slow Performers

  • If the slow performers are lagging in the theory section- the remedial measures are given in the form of class tests and regular assignments.
  • Large topics are divided into smaller portions and test papers are conducted.
  • Regular class tests are conducted before the internal assessment.
  • Question paper discussions and write-ups are done.
  • Peer Group Study Programs are conducted where, the slow performers are encouraged to perform combine study with advanced learners.
  • Students scoring low in viva-voce are given coaching to confidently answer verbally and are also encouraged to participate in viva sessions with their classmates, as a part of Peer Group Study Program.
  • If a student is lagging behind in practical skills; the remedial measures include separate practical demonstrations, chair-side simulation trainings and sharing demo videos of practical/clinical procedures.
  • Students underperforming due to lack of proficiency in English language are identified, and concepts are explained to them in their native language. These students are encouraged by subject teachers and mentors to answer back in English language alone to improve their language proficiency.
  • If a student is lagging behind, because of non-academic factors such as personal problems or psychological issues, counselling sessions are arranged with the Counsellor.
  • Students having low attendance are called up and the reason for their absence is enquired. Attendance details are regularly updated with the parents.
  • Regular follow-ups and meetings are held by the Principal with the students, parents, and mentors.

The institution has a committed policy in identifying advanced learners among undergraduate and postgraduate students, and has devised various measures to raise the standards of their academic aptitude and acumen. The various steps involved in the process are: –

  1. Identification of advanced learners based on various measurable parameters.
  2. Awarding/highlighting their performances to motivate other students.
  • Encouraging them to expand their academic knowledge by taking part in various activities.
  1. Encouraging them to set high career goals.


Measurable Criterion

  1. Students with highest scores in theory internal assessments.
  2. Students with highest scores in practical/clinical skills.
  • Students with highest scores in each subject in University Examinations.


Special Programs for Advanced Learners

  • These students are encouraged and awarded with Golden Ribbon and Blue Ribbon award for their achievement.
  • These students are encouraged to join for higher studies and they are given tips and guidance on how to face various competitive examinations.
  • Peer Group Study Programs are conducted where advanced learners are given an opportunity to guide their slow performing peers, by conducting micro-teaching sessions, tests and quizzes. This helps them to hone their skills in teaching.
  • These students are assigned research projects and are encouraged to present posters and papers in various State and National conferences, to increase their research acumen.
  • High scorers of practical/clinical skill assessments are encouraged to participate in problem-based learning programs, competitions involving hand skills, clinical hands-on training programs, video-based skill enhancement training, etc.
  • They are given opportunities to take part in subject related activities, such as Quiz competitions and Essay writing competitions, in order to encourage them to widen their knowledge beyond the constraints of the syllabus.