The institution follows a thoroughly planned Academic Master calendar for each forthcoming academic year. The calendar will include all the dates for internal examinations, tentative dates for KUHS university examinations, committee meetings, workshops, add-on courses and important days, holidays and extracurricular college events. The calendar is framed by the chairperson of the Academic Monitoring Cell, in consultation with the Principal, other members of the cell and Heads of all the Departments. Meetings are conducted with members of the Exam Committee and IQAC for planning out the dates of various examinations and college events.
Concurrence with Exam Planner
The Institutional Examination Board, which is in charge of conducting and monitoring the continuous internal assessment exams, puts out an Exam Planner. The Exam planner will have the dates for all theory and practical internal exams and Parent-Teacher’s meetings, the dates of which will be based on the Master calendar. Copies of Master Academic calendar are distributed to all the concerned departments and they plan the preclinical/ clinical examinations (Internal practical examinations) accordingly. The concerned subject HOD/ staff in charge have to prepare the question papers for Internal assessment exam 1 week before the examination. The HOD/ staff in charge sent the prepared question paper to the college exam cell through e-mail and staff in charge of the exam will download the question paper. The exams are conducted as per guidelines prescribed by the University. Apart from this all the events are informed to the students through circulars to the class rooms, departments and notice boards. Results and attendance percentage are to be published within 10 days of the conduct of exam which is then put for discussion and further meetings.
Concurrence with University Calendar
Our university follows a prearranged academic calendar which is a perfect balance between the academic and non-academic activities, teaching and examination schedule as well as other activities like sports festival, intercollegiate programmes and holidays. This calendar is formulated by the coordinated effort by an academic body consisting of principals of various dental colleges, controller of examinations, Vice-chancellor and Dean of Student Affairs.
Adherence to Academic Calendar
Both the Master calendar and Exam Planner are uploaded to the institution website which can be accessed by all staffs and students; and are expected to strictly adhere to the dates. If any unavoidable circumstances warrant a change in the calendar, permissions will have to be obtained from the Principal, management and the concerning body viz. Academic Monitoring Cell or Examination Committee. The details of any event which was not included in the calendar will be notified to all staffs and students through circulars to all departments, classrooms and notice boards. The calendar serves as a guide for all departments to prepare lesson plans and schedule internal practical exams.
Institution conducts three internal assessment exams for theory and practical for each batch of students. The format and mark distribution are same as that for university exams. Tentative dates of all internal exams in an academic year are published in the academic calendar at the start of each academic year. The Examination Board will publish an Examination Planner based on the academic calendar, which will be distributed to all faculty and students, so that they can be prepared in advance. A reminder notice will be sent to all departments and notice boards atleast 2 weeks before each exam. Average of internal assessment marks will be calculated and forwarded to the university.
Evaluated answer sheets can be distributed to students, who can verify the answer sheets and address any grievances regarding totaling or missed questions, directly to the subject faculty in-charge. The marks are then forwarded to Head of the department for approval, and then to the Examination Board. After the average of three internal assessment marks are calculated, students are asked to verify. Any grievances regarding the internal marks can be addressed to the chairman or vice-chairman of the Examination Board. Details of the grievance are recorded in the register. The problem is discussed by Examination Board and appropriate action is taken.
University schedules and conducts two exams per academic year. The rules and regulations of conduct, valuation and grievance redressal is stated clearly in the university website, about which the students will be made aware of, at the time of student’s orientation programme conducted by the college, at the time of their admission.
Any grievance in relation to university exam marks is entered in the register. The application for re-totaling and photocopy of the answer scripts and score sheets are to be submitted online on KUHS website through Principal of the college within 3 months. Fee for re-totaling is Rs 225/- per QP code, for obtaining photocopy of answer scripts is Rs 555/- per QP code and for score sheets is Rs 555/- per QP code. The Principal collects fees for re-totaling, copy of answer book and score sheets from all the candidates and remit the consolidated amount to the university, in a single transaction. The hard copy of the application for re-totaling and photocopy of the answer book and score sheet along with copy of proof for the online remittance of the consolidated amount to the university will be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations, KUHS by the Principal.