Royal Dental College


                                                                                                          RECline- RESEARCH – EVIDENCE – CLINICAL

                                                                                            AN EXCLUSIVE INTEGRATED CURRICULUM PROGRAM OF RDC


Dentistry is a fast-growing specialty owing to the enormous expansion of research conducted in order to meet the diversified demands of patients. The syllabus of Dentistry is not updated frequently hence it is impossible to incorporate the newer developments in the curriculum. Additionally it’s a tedious and laborious task to train students with recent developments. Thus the current syllabus followed by college lies far below from the contemporary dentistry in practice.

Royal Dental College meticulously covers recent advances in dentistry through the vibrant professional enrichment programs and workshops. But such attempts seldom attain its ethical aim if the students are not taught to differentiate between the righteousness of newly introduced techniques over the older ones. In this fast world of ever changing techniques, materials, equipments and practice controlled by the marketing world, creating a research attitude among students is the only way to make them choose the harmless and right path of medical practice beneficial to their patients. In this fast world of ever changing techniques, materials, equipments and practice controlled by the marketing world, creating a research attitude among students is the only way to make them choose the harmless and right path of medical practice beneficial to their patients.  

  With the sole intent of creating concept of critical evaluation among students, the curriculum committee of Royal Dental College decided to introduce a research based curriculum. An exclusive curriculum for our college which would provide every student an opportunity of unbiased analysis of research conducted based exclusively on their experience and findings without being misguided by any other external influence. This curriculum was named RECline shortened from the words of Research, Evidence and Clinical and was introduced on 15th January 2020.


  • To encourage every student to participate in research project
  • Research projects for students to be based on the subject of their current academic year
  • To carry out research project by themselves under the guidance of staff
  • To find evidence of research conclusion and correlate it with its clinical implication
  • To present the research project as a paper and publish it

Salient features of RECline

  • Selected students participated in research projects in 2020 to 2021
  • 100% of undergraduate students participating in various advanced research projects from 2022-2023 onwards
  • Research projects for undergrduates are conducted through incubation centers in the basic science and pre clinical departments of Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, General Pathology, Microbiology and Oral Pathology
  • Every project is given an opportunity to be presented by UG students in front of an academic platform
  • Selected research project of every year will be published in our RECline scientific journal and RECline research magazine and the same is published in the college website as online magazines and journals
  • Best research work is honored with RECline ribbon award on RECline days
  • RECline has been awarded the outstanding project of the year 2020 and 2021 by the PTA committee of Royal Dental College