Royal Dental College


A special Cell at Royal Dental College to look into the affairs of Other Backward Class (OBC) students and staff of the institution is constituted and functioning in the campus since 2016. The Cell has been set up to help students from these communities become part of the mainstream and achieve all-round development.


Members of the OBC Cell: (2020 -2024)

S.No Name Designation
1 Mr.Kallayil Saidu Haji Chifepatron
2 Dr. E Anuradha Sunil Principal
3 Dr. Hariprasad A Chairperson
4 Dr. Jayakanth K Coordinator
5 Dr. Rajani E R Faculty members
6 Dr. Divyasree K A Faculty members
7 Dr. Arun Mohan Faculty members
8 Dr. Sunimol CB Faculty members
9 Mr. Abdul Azeez Member (Management)
10 Mrs Suhara A Member (Administration)